Pay With a Tweet

This product may be a bit of a head scratcher if you aren't an active twitter user, but it will make sense if you are. The idea is that you 'sell' a bit of digital merchandise, or access to a web service via the 'payment' of a pre-prepared tweet lauding your service and tweeted to all of the twitterer's followers. The twitterer is able to edit the message but not the url. The service is designed to create buzz for your digital wares — a bit like women paid to frequent bars and tout particular tipples. Given that Twitter users are supposed by many to be taste-makers, it might be a good idea to try and start a few ripples with that 'community'.

Twitter as a Newspaper

Billions of tweets make up the twitterverse. Users can follow a massive array of individual and corporate tweeters. Programs such as Tweetdeck  and browser-based solutions like Seesmic aggregate attempt to bring order to the twitterers that you follow and allow you to add your own tweets. However, the never-ending stream of undifferentiated tweets can be a little overwhelming. takes your followed tweeters and makes them into a virtual newspaper, complete with short articles, graphics, videos and advertisements. It seems a little odd for something as new as Twitter to be using a simulation of the dead-tree newspaper format, but at the very least, it makes the experience of reading twitter content more aesthetically pleasing.
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