With the advent of modern copy machines, digital printing and print-on-demand (and a highly competitive offset printing environment), publishing is in the throes of a revolution. Barriers to publication have fallen, and today individuals and organisations can realistically contemplate production of their work at a reasonable price. Often, all that is missing is the ability to take a manuscript and translate it into a professional and saleable end product. Our service fills that gap and does so efficiently and ethically.

Workflow is simple and streamlined. Our designer deals directly with our clients, implementing their instructions with care. All design work is centred around the Adobe Creative Suite of publishing software. WorkingType Studio is always ready to assist with any aspect of the process, and can also provide contacts to editors and other publishing professionals.

When utilising WorkingType Studio’s publishing support services, the process begins as set out below:
Initial meeting

You will meet with the designer (or discuss by phone or email if you are interstate or overseas) to discuss your manuscript and directions regarding and design.
This meeting will cover topics such as:

  • Font style
  • Text size and spacing
  • Illustrations, photography and artwork.
  • Headings, subheadings and general structure
  •  Chapters and Parts

You will need to bring:

  • Your fully edited and proofread manuscript. Note: WorkingType Studio is able to supply the contact details for professional editors and proofreaders if your manuscript has not yet been subjected to professional scrutiny. If you wish to proceed without editing (which we advise against), please note that extensive corrections to content at the first proof stage are charged at our standard hourly rate.
  • All graphics (photos, illustrations, artwork) related to your manuscript that are to be used on the cover and in the text. Please ensure that (where necessary) that permission has been obtained for the use of such items.

    When all of the above requirements are satisfied and agreed upon, the designer will proceed to typeset your manuscript and design the cover.

Publishing and design process